Friday, December 14, 2007

Entering Mawsons Huts

After spending yesterday clearing the doorway to the hut of ice and snow, today we finally entered Mawsons Huts, holding our breath against the possibility of more snow having found its way inside after all the work done on over cladding both the work shop roof and the main hut roof in previous years. Thankfully fresh snow ingress was limited to areas that were previously known to have sealing problems and there seemed very limited areas of new snow. Yesterday as part of the work to prepare the huts we uncovered the skylights in the roof and they light the interior with a soft light. We slowely walked through the building trying to take in the detail of the objects that Mawson and his team had left behind and the ways that these men had made this their home. Each of the bunks is labelled with its owner's name and above geologist Frank Stillwell's bunk is a row of rocks while below Archie McLeans, an abandoned umbrella. This is truly a special place.
Michelle Berry

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