Friday, January 11, 2008

Hip Hop Rap Band Name Competition Winner!

After much deliberation, and having kept our many fans on tenterhooks for several weeks, we now proudly announce our Hip Hop Rap Band Name Winner!

As we were overwhelmed with responses, we spent many hours deliberating - the following achieved at least some response from the clapometer:

Ice P and the M Team The Antarctic Orangutans The Weddells

The jury's rational was as follows: the first name at least sounded like a rap group; the second attempted a pun ('The Arctic Monkeys'); the third because we'd had too much wine and everyone laughed for some reason.

In the end though, being faced with such a difficult choice, it was unanimously decided to completely ignore them (sorry guys) and go for:

What the Katabatic Dragged In

a group that performs in the neo-rap genre of Dougsta Rap.

Now all we need to do is write the lyrics and shoot the video for 'Don't Muck Wid Da Hut" - we'll be applying for an Australia Council Performing Arts Grant so that we can do this next summer (it looks like L'Astrolabe will pick us up on Tues 15th!)

- Pemo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So having fun . Good on you . Muast be hard to be away from your families for Christmas and New Year . The CD will make good Christmas presents for next year .