Weather summary:
It blew 20 - 30 knots south, south east, most of the day and clearing later to calm evening.
Today's activities:
With the wind blowing Jon and I thought it a great idea to shelter in Granholm Hut and start the tool inventory. By lunch time we were past half way and decided the wind had dropped enough to continue the guy ropes back at Sorensen Hut. By this afternoon all the tie down cables were up, and the new 'Sorensen Hut' sign mounted proudly on the west wall. All that is left now is to tighten the network of treaded rods that run across the roof.
Michelle and Anne continued to excavate snow in Mawson's Hut, with Steve pitching in too. Steve has also been writing up a user guide for the power system at Sorensen Hut.
Tony and Brett continued the search for the air tractor, confident that if it is still in the snow, that they have located the approximate spot using old photographs as a reference point.
Peter Morse continued to compile some of his images and is patiently waiting to get some last shots in the hut once the work is completed before the sky lights go back on.
After dinner the wind had stopped completely, so Jon and I decided to give the surveying a shot between the tide gauge benchmark and the new bench mark at Sorensen Hut. It must also be commended that Tony and Brett came along for the ride, writing down figures and dealing out hot chocolate as we leapfrogged with the staff and telescopic level all the way to Boat Harbour and back. We completed the circuit by 1.30 am, a big day but we were both keen to have this surveyed before we left. The numbers look pretty good, but we will review them all after a good nights sleep.
Tomorrow the last of the work will be sorted around Sorensen Hut, we will do a late rubbish run to the cage pallets before the French fly in on the 13th.
Warm wishes from the MHF team
Peter McCabe Field Leader
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